Archive for June 2019

Dr David Diamond on the Pro’s and Con’s of taking Statins

Dr David Diamond on the Pro’s and Con’s of taking Statins

We were told to “Go to work on an egg” until the cholesterol panic scared us into cutting our egg consumption drastically. New research now tells us that eating fried eggs beneficial rather than detrimental for our health. In a recent article The British Heart Foundation suggests that eating an egg a day can reduce […]


Surrey Musculo-skeletal Meeting 20th June 2019

Surrey Musculo-skeletal Meeting  20th June 2019

Representatives from Sutton Chiropractic Clinic will be attending the second Surrey Musculo-skeletal meeting this evening at Denbies  to discuss Manual Therapy in Surrey. Our Chiropractors and Osteopaths will meet with Physiotherapists and General Practitioners to promote the use of manual therapy in treating back and neck pain. To find out more about how chiropractic can […]
